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Why should I upgrade to a Premium subscription?
We launched the app to help you easily understand — and improve — your sleep habits. And because everyone deserves the mind-body benefits of high-quality sleep, we’ve included all our essential tracking features in the free version of our app — no trial period and no fine print. With the free app, you’ll also get seven days of practical advice to help you begin improving your sleep habits.

Accurate tracking is the foundation of any healthy sleep routine. But if you’re serious about using better sleep to fuel your best life, the Premium account is designed for you. For less than the price of one latte per month, you’ll gain key insights and optimization strategies to help you leave behind Junk Sleep once and for all:

  • Sleep Report that identifies your biggest sleep challenge and provides an in-depth analysis of your 30-day sleep patterns  
  • Exclusive, subscriber-only Personalized Sleep Challenges that empower you to continue optimizing your sleep 
  • Lifetime Sleep History with visualizations to help you identify long-term trends in your SleepScore, breathing rate, and more  
  • CheckUp sleep issue screening and a full PDF report to share with your doctor, should our experts detect a risk of sleep apnea, insomnia, or restless leg syndrome  

To upgrade to a Premium account, visit the Settings tab on your app and select Unlock Premium.