Questions in this section
How do I view, change, or cancel my Premium subscription?
Your Premium account is managed directly by Apple and Google. You can make changes to your subscription at any time using the steps below. If you need to cancel your subscription, please keep in mind that merely uninstalling the app does not do so.

From your iPhone:

  1. Select Settings in the app. 
  2. Click Manage My Subscription. This will take you directly to your iPhone’s subscription settings. 
  3. Under Subscriptions, click Manage. 
  4. Select the app from your list of subscriptions.  
  5. Use the options provided to manage your subscription. You can choose a different subscription period or turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel your subscription at the end of the current billing cycle.  

From your Android device:

  1. Open the Google Play store.  
  2. Tap Menu and then select Subscriptions. 
  3. On your list of subscriptions, tap the app. 
  4. Tap Cancel Subscription.  
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.