Hack your sleep health
A beautiful woman lies on her stomach in a comfortable, stylish bedroom. She concentrates on reading her book. Space for copy.
Does curling up in bed with your favorite book actually help you drift off? Well, it depends on the person and book.
early morning Asian girl wake up on Cozy bed room.
Whether it’s to alleviate pain or to mitigate wrinkles, we break down how you can train yourself to sleep on your back, even if you’re a chronic side sleeper.
Young pretty student woman napping on the sofa in her living room after studying
Teens don’t get enough sleep and parents often struggle to help. Here's why they need good sleep, plus five way to help them get it.
A woman laying in bed, asleep on her back. Her face is turned to the window that has a peak of light coming through it.
For light sleepers, even the slightest disturbance can sabotage a good night’s rest. Here are seven strategies that can help you sleep through noise, light, and other disruptions.
Profile of woman sitting looking at light therapy lamp in a dark room
Your sleep and mood might benefit from some better lighting. Here's what to know about light therapy lamps and sunrise lamps for SAD, Vitamin D, and better wake-ups.
A man holding a clock, changing the time on it.
While you may be glad for that extra hour of sleep, how much will daylight saving time disrupt your sleep schedule?
Woman reading paperback book at night with a bedside lamp

1. Find time for self-care before lights-out

Dedicate 30-mins to "you" time during the day or before bed. This will help curb the urge for revenge bedtime procrastination.

2. Power down tech an hour before bed

Blue light can cause your brain to keep you up longer than you might want. Tuck your tech away for a smoother wind down.

3. Cool yourself down on hot nights

A drop in body temperature can signal to your brain that it's time for shut-eye. Cool your room or try a hot bath.

4. Try to wake up at the same time every morning

A consistent wake time sets the stage for good sleep habits. Plus, who doesn't love waking up naturally?
Sleep troubles?
Graphic of person in bed suffering from racing thoughts including money, alarm, and weather.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, there can be many potential reasons
Two people sitting in bed, holding up newspapers. Text at the top says: Sleep News. week of August 12, 2022.
While they may give you the heebie jeebies, spiders can dream.
Man fatigued from disoriented sleep caused by sleep apnea
From the Greek word for breathless, sleep apnea isn't just snoring at night. Depending on the type of sleep apnea, this sleep disorder can cause major fatigue after a full night of sleep.
Two people lying in bed in a blue bedroom, each holding open newspapers that block their faces.
This week, scientists shared data on the ideal amount of sleep for adults, how sleep loss impacts our ability to evaluate emotions, and more.
Bearded young man is lying in bed under his blanket. He cannot sleep and is watching something on his mobile phone.
Waking up feeling groggy and foggy? It could be Junk Sleep. Learn what it is, how if affects you, and how to get rid of it.
Woman in bed with a white dog
No one wants to wake up drenched in sweat. Read on for tips and products to help you become a cool sleeper.
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