The Week in Sleep News: September 15, 2023

This week researchers uncovered that night owls may be more likely to develop diabetes due to their lifestyle habits.

Two people sitting up in bed reading newspapers. Text reads: Sleep News Week of September 15, 2023
Getty Images

This week in sleep news …

Treatments for arousal disorders on the horizon

Those who suffer from arousal disorders, such as sexsomnia, sleepwalking, and night terrors, may not have access to the breadth of validated treatment options that other sleep disorders offer. A new systemic review of studies of arousal disorders by Northwestern University found a lack of consensus around treatment guidelines. The review attributed this to the fact that most existing publications on NREM parasomnias are either case reports or uncontrolled trials. The most common and effective treatments for parasomnias were found to be cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, sleep hygiene, and scheduled awakenings. The lead researcher expressed that randomized, controlled trials are needed to determine the efficacy of behavioral treatments for these arousal disorders.

Fathers significantly influence sleep

A new study based on a survey of fathers of infants showcases the importance of educating fathers on infant safety. The results found that fathers are an important factor in promoting safe sleep environments and continuing breastfeeding. When it came to sleep, the survey found that over 99% of fathers reported that they put their baby down to sleep, but only 16% of fathers followed all of the safe sleep practices; 81% of fathers put their infant to sleep on their back, but only 32% put their infant down on an approved sleep surface; 44% avoided soft bedding, blankets, and stuffed animals; and only 15% practiced all three. Researchers concluded that more educational resources are needed for fathers to better understand best practices for infants.

Using a CPAP may lower mortality risk from sleep apnea-related heart disease

People with obstructive sleep apnea are at a higher risk for other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. New research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress found that people with obstructive sleep apnea may be able to reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease if they use a CPAP machine at night. Researchers analyzed data from more than 3,600 people living in Catalonia, Spain, who have obstructive sleep apnea but chose to no longer use a CPAP machine. This data was compared to another 3,600 people with obstructive sleep apnea who continued to use their CPAP machines. The researchers found that those who continued to use CPAP therapy had a 40% lower risk of dying by any cause, a 36% lower chance of dying from cardiovascular disease, and an 18% decreased risk of being hospitalized with cardiovascular disease.

Night owls are more likely to develop diabetes than early birds

Women who stay up late are more likely to have unhealthy lifestyle behaviors that can lead to developing type 2 diabetes, a new study found. This study, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, looked at lifestyle data from over 60,000 female nurses. Researchers found that female night owls were more likely to exercise less, eat unhealthily, have a higher body mass index, sleep less, and smoke cigarettes. The participants in the study featured 11% self-identified night owls, 35% early birds, and 54% who didn’t identify heavily as either morning or evening people. About 19% of self-reported night-owl nurses were more likely to develop diabetes, according to the researchers, who accounted for the impact of the listed unhealthy habits.

In sleep-centric social media ...

How do you know when your kid isn’t ready for a big kid bed? Emily Vondy shared in a TikTok how she found out this week.

Emily Vondy in her bathroom text reads: Last night at 10pm. Nothing like a late night closet-tortilla snack.
TikTok // @Emily Vondy